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Coach FAQs

I would like to be a coach. How do I volunteer for coaching?

Please complete the Coach Registration link to indicate your interest in volunteering.  All coaches must complete certification including a background check. You will receive instruction from Jen Sherman, our Club Registrar, after you sign up on the steps to follow to complete your certification. 

I want to volunteer, but not sure I can make all games.

The team must have a coach or administrator from within the same club (FC Exeter) at all  scheduled matches in which the team participates. The coach or administrator must be in possession of a valid US Youth Soccer coaching pass. We encourage teams to have a head coach and one or more assistant coaches; a maximum of five coaches are permitted on a team's sideline.

I like soccer, but I'm not sure I'm ready to coach.

We're all volunteers. FC Exeter offers support to all of our coaches, providing training plans and a roving Seacoast United instructor for our U9 and U10 practice sessions. Additionally, the club will reimburse coaches who attend coaching education classes through the New Hampshire Soccer Association. If you are interested in learning more about coaching, reach out to and you will be connected with our coaching director.

Is there a cost to be a coach?

There is a small fee for both the background check ($18) and a Sideline Doc certification ($5). These expenses will be reimbursed by FC Exeter, simply send a copy of each receipt and the mailing address for reimbursement to  

What are the steps involved to complete coach certification?

Our Registrar will enter your information into the US Club System Sports Engine.  There will be three links within that welcome email to complete:
Background Screening - The application must be completed no earlier than six months prior to your membership purchase.  A "passed" status will  validate your  background screening membership eligibility credential for two Governing Seasons (the one in which you are registering, and the next).(Cost $18)
Safesport Training - Access the course via the unique link in the email. That link will also be available via your SportsEngine User Profile. Completion will automatically be reflected within your membership eligibility status in the NRS. You may continue a partially completed training by accessing the same link. (Cost: free)
Sideline Sports Doc Training - Through unique link in email. 
This six-chapter course is designed to improve on-field triage of the following  key injury situations: 1) The SAFE Method – initial evaluation of an on-field injury, 2) ankle and foot injuries, 3) concussions, 4) fractures, 5) heat illness, and 6)
knee injuries. It includes U.S. Soccer’s “Concussions in Soccer” video and other Recognize to Recover content. Completion takes ~60 minutes, and you may  save your progress and pick up where you left off at a later time. (Cost $5 )

I was certified as a coach last year, do I have to do these steps every year?

No, your coach pass is eligible for two years.

Where do I get my equipment? Rosters?

There will be a coaches kickoff meeting prior to each season start where you will receive information on the season, coaches jersey and equipment bag.  FC Exeter policies and game rules will also be communicated.  Separate Player cards are no longer used by the league and are instead embedded within weekly game rosters emailed to coaches prior to each game.

Who do I contact if I need additional Rosters or player cards?

If you need any waivers for tourneys, guest players rostered,  or additional rosters (currently you need 2-3 for each game for opposing coach and referee) contact Jen Sherman our  Club Registrar:

Am I responsible for Score Reporting after a game?

Score reporting is the responsibility of the HOME team and should be reported immediately after each match. Info on this is covered at the Coaches Meeting and also located on the Leagues (NNESL or NHSL) website